
Retirement from the pulpit was a bittersweet milestone in my life. For decades, I had the privilege of shepherding a congregation, sharing God’s word, and witnessing His grace transform lives. As the days of retirement approached, I felt a mix of emotions—gratitude for the past, uncertainty about the future, and a longing to stay connected with the divine calling that had shaped my life. 

Just recently I've discovered the profound power of prayer journals. What began as a simple practice became a lifeline, drawing me closer to the joy of the Lord and illuminating my path in this new season of life, not only writing in them, but creating them for others. 

Each morning, I sit with my journal, a heart full of anticipation, my iPad and stylus poised to capture my thoughts. As I respond to the prompts in that daily journaling session, I find solace in the simplicity of this sacred routine. Recording my gratitude, petitions, and reflections helps me to focus on God's unwavering presence in my life. 

With every entry, I feel a renewed sense of purpose. The act of writing becomes an intimate conversation with the Lord, a way to express my deepest desires and discern His gentle guidance. The pages of my prayer journal are a testament to His faithfulness, reminding me of the countless times He has carried me through life’s trials and triumphs. 

Today, I realized that my prayer journal is more than just a repository for my thoughts; it's a wellspring of joy. It allows me to see God's hand in every aspect of my life, from the grandiose to the mundane. Especially in retirement, this practice has become a beacon of light, illuminating new opportunities to serve, love, and grow. 

What surprised me most was how these journals (creating and using them myself) have become a treasure trove of wisdom and testimony. As I make daily entries, I am reminded of prayers answered and dreams fulfilled, filling my heart with unshakeable joy. 

In this beautiful chapter of my life, my prayer journals have been a steadfast companion. They have enabled me to stay rooted in faith, find peace amidst change, and truly experience the joy of the Lord. Retirement from the pulpit may have closed one door, but it opened another—providing the time and space to deepen my relationship with God through the sacred practice of journaling. 

If you find yourself in a season of change or longing for deeper connection, I encourage you to try keeping a prayer journal. Let the pages become a place where you encounter the divine, and discover the profound joy that flows from a life anchored in prayer. And if you don't know where or how to begin, grab one of the journals I've prayerfully created for such a time as this.  

May the joy of the Lord overflow in your heart today!  

Reverend Paula J Behrens
🌿Certified Aroma Freedom Practitioner,
Certified Interim Ministry Specialist, Ordained Elder/Pastor, Author ✝️